COVID-19 has been accelerating digital platform in business and training activity/workshop forcibly. Recently, Ministry of Trade (MOT) together with Indonesia Lightwood Association (ILWA) which was supported by SIPPO has been successfully conducted the 5th Indonesia Lightwood Cooperation Forum (ILCF) virtually on Thursday 12 November 2020 with theme “The Rising of Indonesia Lightwood Industry Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Through Sustainable Trade”

The 5TH ILCF has attracted more than 140 participants, The forum was inaugurated by the Mr.Kasan as a Director General of National Export Development from The Ministry of Trade the Republic of Indonesia which deliver very importance messages. He mentioned that there are at least four benefits for customers or buyers who purchase Indonesia’s lightwood as follows: 1) legality (SVLK); 2) community-based forest; 3) Credible producers; 4) Supporting community economic development. Mr. Arif Havas Oegroseno as an Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federal Republic of Germany. The workshop consisted of three different topics and each topic presented by credible resource persons which representing different stakeholders such as buyers, producers, academia and governments.
Topic 1: Market demand and trend of Indonesia lightwood products in the global and regional market. There were four resource persons present this subjects, Mr. Klaus Goecke and Mr. Frank Maul from Import Promotion Desk covered global market demand and Mr. Laurent Laurent Corpataux is a business development manager for Southeast Asia from Haring Timber Technology Switzerland and he is also a NUS Research Associate and Mr. Noer Adi Wardojo as Head of Centre for Environment and Forestry Standardization from the Ministry of Forestry and Environment of The Republic Indonesia.
Topic 2: Sustainable Forest Management. In this section, there are two resource persons: Mr. Johannes Schwegler as Managing Director of Fairventures Worldwide GmbH and Mr. Dr. Ir. Harsawardana, M.Eng as the Rector of INSTIPER
Topic 3 : Indonesia Lightwood Producer Strategy. The speaker is Mr. Ir. Setyo Wisnu Broto, MM as Secretary General of Indonesia Lightwood Association.
Although this forum conducted virtually, participants were actively involved in the discussions and there are several related media interested on this topic such as from WOODMAG and Ministry of Trade's website