B2BTrace Training and Workshop with Ministry of Trade
SIPPO Indonesia just conducted a B2BTrace training session for Ministry of Trade (MOT) through Directorate General of National Export Development (DGNED) on Wednesday 09 October 2019. The training was directed by KOLTIVA and facilitated by SIPPO country team.

All directorates within the DGNED sent their representative to participate in the training. The training was open and attended by Director and Deputy Director of Export Cooperation Development and the objective of the training is to provide learning experience and explore some generic features of B2BTrace especially event management on buying mission.
SIPPO Indonesia designed an interactive training approach to allow all participants from Ministry of Trade could explore and have the experience to try some generic features within the B2BTrace application. During the training, all participants were encouraged to ask and provide feedback directly to KOLTIVA and SIPPO team. Several technical inputs have been raised by participants such as GPS feature, map functionality, industry sectors, notification on in-active members and many other things. Ms. Sinta Ruch as a representative from KOLTIVA and SIPPO country team were be able to response several questions and some technical inputs have been jotted down by Ms. Sinta Ruch and she will bring them as home work for further discussion with KOLTIVA technical team.
At the end of the training session, SIPPO conducted Q&A to all participants to explore the feasibility of each directorate within DGNED to use and apply B2BTrace in helping them to perform their duty. As a result, many of them provided positive feedback and hopes that B2BTrace could help them in supporting their work. Based on these positive feedback then SIPPO country team plan to discuss it further with Directorate Export Cooperation Development to raise this needs to the respective higher level within the directorate of DGNED.